Enhancing the Audit Process: How SignOnChain Empowers Auditors
Auditors need to handle a large number of documents before, during and after an audit. Signature requests and document sharing can be a time-consuming process.
Re-Inventing Business with Blockchain
A panel of four experts and entrepreneurs came together to discuss how blockchain re-invents business as a whole. At the panel, Sunde introduced Abendum, a company that utilizes the BSV blockchain to revolutionize accounting.
Arktivverkets seminar om regulatoriske sandkasser
Torje Vingen Sunde deler Abendums erfaring på Arkivverkets erfaringsseminar om regulatoriske sandkasser.
IKT-Norge Podcast
I en garasje på Kolbotn bygde de teknologien som binder revisjon, sporing og transparens i verdikjeder sammen
FinTech Sandbox
Our participation in The Norwegian FSA FinTech sandbox in 2021 has been a success. Regulatory uncertainties about using blockchain in auditing have been clarified. With more certainty on the viability of the concept, we are looking forward to expanding our team and complete our Triple Entry Accounting software.
3 Key Procedures
Download our free PDf and discover how to make an audit trail.