Transforming Notary Services with Web3
How SignOnChain Enhances Document Verification The role of notaries [...]
How SignOnChain Enhances Document Verification The role of notaries [...]
In the fast-paced world of finance, streamlined document management is critical for financial institutions to thrive. Enter SignOnChain, a cutting-edge platform, empowered by Web3 technology, that has emerged as a game-changer in secure document management.
Accountants play a crucial role in managing and maintaining a vast array of financial documents, from contracts and invoices to financial statements. As the volume of documents continues to grow, accountants seek innovative solutions to streamline their document management process, enhance efficiency and bolster accuracy.
Auditors need to handle a large number of documents before, during and after an audit. Signature requests and document sharing can be a time-consuming process.
Sudan’s Governmental officials believe that Blockchain will be impactful for the country. These statements were made during the Blockchain for Government initiative visit to Sudan led by Bitcoin Association, the Swiss-based non profit organization.
Abendum is now included in The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway’s regulatory sandbox for fintech.