Trippel bokføring kan sikre regnskap mot svindel
Blockchain-gründernes metode skal halvere kostnadene og sikre regnskap mot svindel. «Revisjonsrevolusjonærer» mener trippel bokføring kan mer enn halvere kostnadene.
Triple Entry Accounting on Blockchain
Abendum has created a triple entry accounting platform that drastically increases efficiency for both accountants and auditors because it creates a verifiable shared source of truth that cannot be altered while combatting the fraud around fake-invoicing that takes place in the accounting industry.
Norway Financial Authority selects Abendum for FinTech sandbox
The startup Abendum has barely existed a year and will be ready with an MVP in April. That was enough for The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway to choose them as the only participant in pool #2 of its regulatory sandbox.
The CoinGeek Pulse #35: Abendum and more
Adding “Triple Entry Accounting” and blockchain on top of the double entry process means transactions and activities will be on a permanent ledger.
Triple-Entry Bookkeeping system
ABENDUM’s Triple-Entry Bookkeeping system sheds a light to public [...]
Abendum acquired AS - legal company AS - has been acquired by the Norwegian company Abendum AS and is now led by CEO Stephan Nilsson, co-Founder of UNISOT and SeafoodChain.